Privacy Policy
SATCO AS, by the general manager, is the treatment manager for the processing of personal data. It is voluntary for those who visit the web sites to provide personal information regarding services such as receiving newsletters and sending us a request via our contact form. The treatment basis is the consent of the individual, unless otherwise specified.
Web analytics and cookies (cookies)
As an important part of the effort to create a user-friendly website, we look at the user pattern of those who visit the site. To analyze the information, we use the Google Analytics analytics tool.
Google Analytics uses cookies / cookies (small text files that the site stores on the user's computer), which registers the users' IP address and provides information about the individual user's online movements. Examples of what the statistics give us answers to are; how many people visit different pages, how long the visit lasts, what websites users come from and what browsers are used. None of the cookies allow us to link information about your use of the site to you as an individual.
The information collected by Google Analytics is stored on Google servers in the U.S.. The information received is subject to the Google Privacy Policy.
An IP address is defined as a personal information because it can be traced back to a particular hardware and thus to an individual. SATCO AS uses Google Analytics's tracking code that anonymizes the IP address before the information is stored and processed by Google. Thus, the stored IP address can not be used to identify the individual user.
SATCO AS saves information about what keywords users use on our sites in Google Analytics. The purpose of the storage is to improve our information service. The search usage pattern is stored in aggregate form. Only the keyword is saved and they can not be linked to other information about the users, such as the IP addresses.
Share / tip service
The "Share with others" feature can be used to forward links to the site by email, or to share the content of social networking. Tips for tips are not logged with us, but only used to add the tips to the community. However, we can not guarantee that the online community does not log this information. All such services should therefore be used wisely. If you use the email feature, we only use the provided email addresses to resend the message without any form of storage.
Page and service functionality
Cookies are used in the operation and presentation of data from websites. Such cookies may contain language code information for languages selected by the user. There may be cookies with information supporting the load balancing of the system, ensuring all users the best possible experience. For services that require login or search, cookies can be used to ensure that the service presents data to the right recipient.
How to manage cookies in your browser
On, read how to set your browser to accept / reject cookies and get tips for safer internet usage.